Art is your heart through your earth.
His art journey has begun in 2014 during his life in New York, US.
He extracts scenes and subjects from randomly constructed backgrounds in a spontaneous manner, weaving in his own memories and introspections as elements to create an expression that transcends the form of the self, connecting the unconscious and conscious. His unique style, which harmonizes a diverse use of colors and breaks away from conventional norms, serves as a bridge that evolves the information spun from the ever-changing world and his fluid daily emotions. He is also influenced by the diverse and vibrant experiences of New York and its original street punk scene. His physical, analog production embodies the joy of humanity’s free creative spirit and depicts the light of life in colors across the infinite universe.
Nara, who started painting at the age of 26, had from childhood a distinctive perspective and keen observational eye, nurturing his imagination and curiosity in an environment fascinated by painting, rock music, and the cosmos. His logical thinking and three-dimensional color sense, developed during his school years in Japan, merged with his unique sensory intuition and logical insight, forming the foundation of his creative activities. For Nara, Art is like a cradle for the soul that offers hope, and his journey toward its essence has been guided as an exploration of the universe within him (Heart) and the world outside (Earth), alongside his life.
A cosmic voyage toward truth. Along this journey, he encounters natural philosophy, quantum cosmology, religion,
mythology, physics, neuroscience, philosophy, art, literature, and counterculture, from which he extracts a singular interpretation. By layering individual consciousness (1) as a gradient over highly abstract information from the collective unconscious (0), he projects his work into a space of infinitely expanding cosmic consciousness (♾️). In the most beautiful mathematical equation said to be 0=♾️=1, what he reflects is Peace=Gratitude=Love.
“An eternal connection of gratitude formed by the overlap and synchronicity of love and harmony.” This is the circulation of energy that underlies the universe colored by human existence, and through the ART that emerges via Nara's mind and body, he leaves fragments of love and harmony in this world, weaving a cycle between self and the world.
Akito Naraのアートジャーニーは2014年にアメリカ、New Yorkでの生活から始まった。
無作為に構成した背景の中に観える光景や被写体を偶発的に引き出し、自身の記憶や内観をエレメントとして織り交ぜながら描くことで、無意識と意識を繋いだ自我の型を超える表現を行う。多彩な色遣いを共存させて常識に縛られないその作風は、彼の流動的な日々の心と同時に変化する世界を紡いだ情報を発展させる架け橋。多様性と国際色の豊かなNew Yorkの体験や独創的なストリートのパンク・シーンからも影響を受けており、フィジカルでアナログな製作は人類の自由な創造の喜びや色彩という命の光を無限の宇宙に描く。
2010年 東京都市大学工学部 宇宙システム研究室 卒業
2012年 東京デザイン専門学校 空間デザイン科 卒業
2012年 単身アメリカのNewYorkへ渡る
2014年 Brooklynで独学による絵画の製作を始める
2017年 初出展そして作品の販売をスタート
2020年 NewYorkのギャラリー街Chelseaで個展を開催
2020年 アメリカを離れ日本へ帰国
2022年 東京の日本橋を拠点として創作活動を開始